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Amalia Gkavea
Mar 31, 2019 rated it it was amazing
''Which is to say that wrong choices can produce right results, and vice versa. I myself have adopted the position that, in fact, we never choose anything at all. Things happen. Or not.''

I admit I had never read any of Murakami's works before I bought Desire, a part of the beautiful Vintage Minis series. The reason may sound a bit selfish and unfair but I am always honest, I can't help it. Seeing posts on Instagram by people who haven't even opened a newspaper to read the weather forecast, p

''Which is to say that wrong choices can produce right results, and vice versa. I myself have adopted the position that, in fact, we never choose anything at all. Things happen. Or not.''

I admit I had never read any of Murakami's works before I bought Desire, a part of the beautiful Vintage Minis series. The reason may sound a bit selfish and unfair but I am always honest, I can't help it. Seeing posts on Instagram by people who haven't even opened a newspaper to read the weather forecast, proclaiming a book by Murakami to be ''OMG, the best book eeeeever!!!!'' made me nauseous. So, I stayed away, faithful to my obnoxious conviction that ''popular'' and ''fashionable'' = dubious quality. However, a beloved fellow teacher and esteemed colleague swears by Murakami's writing and I decided that Desire would be a nice chance to finally ''meet'' the acclaimed writer. Being a lover of Japanese Literature, I quickly became an admirer from the first pages.

Murakami writes about one of the most powerful emotions. Desire. However, he doesn't limit himself to the οne-dimensional, sexual meaning of the word. He writes about desire as an expression of hunger for understanding, connection, and fulfillment. Wandering in the districts of Tokyo, the high-tech, mysterious and quirky metropolis during late autumn and stopping in Prague, in a Kafka-esque scenery, we try to come to terms with the void of loneliness, the hope of togetherness and the uncertainty of our choices.

The Second Bakery Attack : A young married couple decides to rob McDonald's. The reason? A teenage folly and a sudden, insatiable hunger.

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning: Our heart works in such mysterious, metaphysical ways and sometimes, life seems to move within an impossible circle. How do we decide who is the right person? And do we actually ''decide'' or is Fate the absolute controller? What if our soulmate has already passed us by in a crowded street and we'll never come to know whether anything was possible? A story that will move even the coldest of hearts. A story that can win the heart of a stranger.

Birthday Girl: A young woman narrates the strange incidents that took place on her 20th birthday. Murakami guides us into the world of restaurants and introduces a strange millionaire with a unique gift. But can our hunger be fulfilled with a wish? This story was my favourite in the collection.

''But the streets are crowding with soldiers and tanks. There are checkpoints on all the bridges, and people are being rounded up. That's why the men in my family can't go out. Once you get arrested, there's no telling when you'll return. That's why I was sent. All the way across Prague, alone.'' No one will notice a hunchback girl,'' they said. ''

Samsa In Love: Prague possibly during the 1968 Revolution. This is the setting of a story that pays homage to one of Murakami's major influences, Franz Kafka. An intriguing girl, a broken lock and a man who finds himself transformed into...a human being. His name might sound familiar to you. Gregor Samsa.

A Folklore For My Generation: A Prehistory of Late-Stage Capitalism: An elegy to the generation of Flower Power, complicated youth, and a love that is defeated by an unfulfilled hunger.

I won't tire you with my musings. I only want to say that I cannot wait to read everything by Haruki Murakami. Sometimes, there is a reason why a writer is so popular. In this case, it is perfectly understandable.

''It's strange, isn't it?'', the woman said in a pensive voice. ''Everything is blowing up around us, but there are still those who care about a broken lock, and others who are dutiful enough to try to fix it...But maybe that's the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.''

My reviews can also be found on https://theopinionatedreaderblog.word...

Andrew Smith
Five short storied from the master of the strange and fabulous, all of which have been previously published in one collection or another. I'd read one of these before but the rest were new to me.

The Second Bakery Attack
Odd in a typical Murakami way. A couple embark on an endeavour for no reason that makes logical sense – and yet… it strangely drew me in (as his tales most often do). 3 Stars.

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning
I'd heard about this tale before – it'

Five short storied from the master of the strange and fabulous, all of which have been previously published in one collection or another. I'd read one of these before but the rest were new to me.

The Second Bakery Attack
Odd in a typical Murakami way. A couple embark on an endeavour for no reason that makes logical sense – and yet… it strangely drew me in (as his tales most often do). 3 Stars.

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning
I'd heard about this tale before – it's haunting in a way that really made me think back over my own experiences. Did I miss an opportunity somewhere? 4 Stars

Birthday Girl
The only story that's not really about a boy and a girl (or a man and a woman). Quirky. I'm still trying to work out the ending – did it leave me hanging or did I just miss something? 3 Stars

Samsa in Love
This one I had read before – in his 2017 collection, Men Without Women – its an inversion of Franz Kafka's novel, The Metamorphosis. The weirdest of them all. 3 Stars

A Folklore for my Generation: A Prehistory of Late-Stage capitalism
Nothing like the title might suggest. The story of a relationship that should have been perfect, but wasn't quite. It's a cousin of the second story really. I liked this one the best. 4 Stars.

I've not read too many of the author's short stories but I've read enough to reflect that they offer potted versions of his longer pieces: they have a tendency to be rather off-centre, involving seemingly normal people engaged in somewhat abnormal activity. Or if they're not physically thus engaged then their minds are. They can feel like a window into your own mind too, which is disconcerting - but fun.

If I aggregate my ratings then it suggests 3 Stars overall – but it's Murakami, and my overall sense is that this collection probably deserves to be rounding up.

Amal Bedhyefi
May 21, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Do you know that feeling you get when you've been craving a chocolate cake for a long time and when you've finally found and eaten the perfect piece , you suddenly want to erase the memory and the taste of it so you can re-experience it all over again as if it was your first time ?
I had that exact same feeling when reading this collection of short stories.
I'm entirely in love with the delicacy and exquisiteness of his writing style .
It's been a while since I've finished a book in one setting an
Do you know that feeling you get when you've been craving a chocolate cake for a long time and when you've finally found and eaten the perfect piece , you suddenly want to erase the memory and the taste of it so you can re-experience it all over again as if it was your first time ?
I had that exact same feeling when reading this collection of short stories.
I'm entirely in love with the delicacy and exquisiteness of his writing style .
It's been a while since I've finished a book in one setting and I'm beyond delighted that I did .
I'm putting all of his work on my TBR list , for sure.
Jun 16, 2017 rated it really liked it
Haruki Murakami at his enigmatic best. This is the first of the new Vintage Minis series that I've read, and if Desire was anything to go on, they're going to be a delight. Cheever on Drinking, Barnes on Death, Huxley on Psychedelics(!), Winterson on Love, Rushdie on Home... and many others. (I er, might have bought 16 out of the 20.)

Can't bloody wait.

Haruki Murakami at his enigmatic best. This is the first of the new Vintage Minis series that I've read, and if Desire was anything to go on, they're going to be a delight. Cheever on Drinking, Barnes on Death, Huxley on Psychedelics(!), Winterson on Love, Rushdie on Home... and many others. (I er, might have bought 16 out of the 20.)

Can't bloody wait.

May 28, 2019 rated it really liked it
Not all stories are same & never are they treated equally but some among these have the potential to draw me in and thus are in their own way special & thus i treat them specially
-Thats what I think-Murakami thinks anyway

I can go on and tell you have comfortingly discomforting are the novels and stories by Murakami but i have read most of his work and thus i would first tell you how Murakami writes and why desire is special.

First and foremost Murakami himself considers that he is a short sto

Not all stories are same & never are they treated equally but some among these have the potential to draw me in and thus are in their own way special & thus i treat them specially
-Thats what I think-Murakami thinks anyway

I can go on and tell you have comfortingly discomforting are the novels and stories by Murakami but i have read most of his work and thus i would first tell you how Murakami writes and why desire is special.

First and foremost Murakami himself considers that he is a short story writer and enjoys writing them but when some special ones as i have mentioned happens to force him to continue it further Murakami takes on the task and starts writing to get into that state of mind he starts with a disciplined and monotonous routine such that all his mind is indulged in the current thing he wants to narrate and thus he goes on a 10km run further followed by a 2km swim and writes after doing a repetitive rhythm maintaining complete Zen!! How-every long it takes months or half a year he keeps up the routine until he completes his work and goes to the normal after that,then the story needs to pass through Yoko and she edits and deems it good then for publishing.

Thus desire is special in a sense that it gives us a inside view into Murakamis thinking and many of these stories have been used and even developed into stand-alones like 1Q84.It shows us the love of cats that Murakami has,how Yoko likes people to read to her,how he some-point in his life had an affair with a older married woman when he was young, his college casual sex partners and his connection with his friends; thats what makes Desire so desirable to read.
so long

Kelly Furniss
Dec 29, 2017 rated it it was amazing
In a very short 128 page book Murakami exhibits everything I admire about him and why he is one of my favourite surreal authors.
Here we have five wonderful tales selected from Murakami's short story collection.
This author takes deep urges, desire, lusts, infatuation, longing, hunger and needs and writes about them analytically beautifully. He resonates with the believer and dreamer in us all and plays on our natural desires in a way that makes you imagine deeply.
A very emotional and enjoyable qu
In a very short 128 page book Murakami exhibits everything I admire about him and why he is one of my favourite surreal authors.
Here we have five wonderful tales selected from Murakami's short story collection.
This author takes deep urges, desire, lusts, infatuation, longing, hunger and needs and writes about them analytically beautifully. He resonates with the believer and dreamer in us all and plays on our natural desires in a way that makes you imagine deeply.
A very emotional and enjoyable quick read.
Jan 11, 2020 rated it it was amazing
"Desire" by Haruki Murakami is a collection of five short stories..
Anyway, there is something very special to discover in each one of them!!

This are tales which will make you think and ponder long after you have finished them..

A brief recollection of them:

"The second bakery attack"
A young couple trying to quench a desperate and hurting hunger feeling..
Its about the power of love and the need to complete and finish a deed long ago done..
Its also about the power of memory plus the meaning of what

"Desire" by Haruki Murakami is a collection of five short stories..
Anyway, there is something very special to discover in each one of them!!

This are tales which will make you think and ponder long after you have finished them..

A brief recollection of them:

"The second bakery attack"
A young couple trying to quench a desperate and hurting hunger feeling..
Its about the power of love and the need to complete and finish a deed long ago done..
Its also about the power of memory plus the meaning of what in reality should be marriage!!
Five stars, and I looooove it!!!!

"On seeing the 100 % perfect girl one beautiful April morning"
This is kind of personal for me..
You see, there are some stories which speak to you with a loud voice, and you know that you have been called by name..
It's for you, and there cannot be a mistake..
Well, you see and are attracted to a girl you know deep in your guts that she was made for you!!
And then..what??
If you do nothing at all, you are doomed..
But if you do anything you are prime candidate for suffering!!
No matter what you do, there is a heavy price to pay!!
For me the way I see it is, you have to do something, if you have been given this great gift to come across the big love of your life..
An intelligent and wonderful weird tale of love being poured out over you, and the one in a life time opportunity of finding happiness and fulfilment..
The clock are ticking, what will be your response, your move???
Yes absolutely, five bright and bleeding stars!!!

"Birthday Girl"

If you were granted one wish in your life, what would you wish for??
This is the core of this short story..
But wait one moment, this is a Murakami book..
Not only written masterfully and awesome, but you will have to think again and ponder about what life is all about!!
This means also that the end is unpredictable and will blow you away..
I can only say: go for it!!!
Granted: five predictable stars..

"Samsa in Love"

Bugs, humans, and a literary legacy!!!
A delicious rendering of a classic in a new light..
Read it for yourself if you pleased..
Five wriggling stars!!

"A folklore for my generation:
a prehistory of late stage capitalism"

Boundaries and the need to overcame them!!!
A very vivid picture not only of the sixties, but the influence of society to shape us into flawed, undeveloped and unhappy beings!!
Five full developed and happy stars..

My first encounter with Haruki Murakami, and it will not be my last..

Happy readings..


May 30, 2018 rated it it was ok
If all of the stories were like the last one, this would have been solid.
Mar 09, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Collection of short stories from Elephant vanishes, Blind Willow and sleeping woman and Men without Women. 5 stories of love, longing and desire, Murakami leaves you in awe, explaining the intricacies of human emotions in subtle way. Only 128 pages yet you wait for more. My favorite was "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning" Collection of short stories from Elephant vanishes, Blind Willow and sleeping woman and Men without Women. 5 stories of love, longing and desire, Murakami leaves you in awe, explaining the intricacies of human emotions in subtle way. Only 128 pages yet you wait for more. My favorite was "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning" ...more
Jul 23, 2018 rated it it was amazing
This collection of short stories made me discover the amazing writing style of Haruki Murakami. I still don't understand why it took me so long to read something written by him.
I loved all five stories, but my favorite in this collection is the last one.
This collection of short stories made me discover the amazing writing style of Haruki Murakami. I still don't understand why it took me so long to read something written by him.
I loved all five stories, but my favorite in this collection is the last one.
If you are new to Murakami, short stories are not his métier. The few in Desire are fairly good if uneven. If you have read enough Murakami you will recognize that several of the few short stories here have been published in other collections. For those who notice such things this Vintage Mini is a nice little book, easy to carry and for the uninitiated a nice sampler of what Murakami has done better elsewhere.

The Vintage Minis are a series of small editions each by a different writer and each w

If you are new to Murakami, short stories are not his métier. The few in Desire are fairly good if uneven. If you have read enough Murakami you will recognize that several of the few short stories here have been published in other collections. For those who notice such things this Vintage Mini is a nice little book, easy to carry and for the uninitiated a nice sampler of what Murakami has done better elsewhere.

The Vintage Minis are a series of small editions each by a different writer and each with a one-word tile that serves as the theme for the collection. I suspect no title in Desire was written just for this book.

Desire includes five stories that give variations on the title theme.
The Second Bakery Attack: A couple execute an out of the blue robbery because - something or another
On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful Spring Morning: A wistful and near universal recollection
Birthday Girl: A waitress in a restaurant spends her birthday at work and has a small experience with its strange, reclusive owner
Samsa in Love: Kafka's The Metamorphosis turned around.
A Folklore for My Generation; A Pre-History of Late Stage Capitalism: A first person's recollection of a friend's first and true love

I am a fan of Murakami. My intention is to read his books in some kind of order. He can do better.

Aug 06, 2018 rated it liked it
I am used to his books, so maybe just short stories are not the best choice. Anyway, you still can find some of his writing and recognize that, anyway, the stories are funny.

Not the best book to start with, if you never ever read anything by this author, but sometimes is nice to know someone from a different point of view.

Jan 10, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I picked this book purely because I wasn't yet ready to pick longer works by Murakami but still wanted to have a flavor of his writing. But this book has left me with a desire to read more elaborate books by him.

Desire is a collection of 5 short stories by the master himself, and well chosen they are. Each one spoke to one or the other inert desire in me, and I'm sure these exist in everybody else too.

The Second Bakery Attack, On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, Samsa In

I picked this book purely because I wasn't yet ready to pick longer works by Murakami but still wanted to have a flavor of his writing. But this book has left me with a desire to read more elaborate books by him.

Desire is a collection of 5 short stories by the master himself, and well chosen they are. Each one spoke to one or the other inert desire in me, and I'm sure these exist in everybody else too.

The Second Bakery Attack, On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, Samsa In Love and A Folklore For My Generation - A prehistory for late-stage capitalism; each was brilliant and thoughtful. Murakami has a habit of circling around the central theme but never really stating it out loud. This leads to a conception of magic and surrealism. The thought is quite there for you to feel and navigate but it never materializes into something tangible, like words.

In that sense this was a fulfilling yet extremely short read; one that covered a wide range of emotions but always leaves you wanting more.

Jul 14, 2017 rated it it was ok
The only DESIRE I had was to toss this thing in the bin.
May 09, 2019 rated it it was amazing
As a reader, I am more a dip-my-toes-in-the-water kind. I read a book or two by a writer and then move on to a new writer. This is how it is even with my favourite writers. A.S.Byatt is one of my favourite writers and I have read just one book by her. Marlen Haushofer is another of my favourite writers and I have read just two books by her. I, of course, dream that one day I will read all the books written by all of my favourite writers, but that hasn't happened yet. Though my reading is broad a As a reader, I am more a dip-my-toes-in-the-water kind. I read a book or two by a writer and then move on to a new writer. This is how it is even with my favourite writers. A.S.Byatt is one of my favourite writers and I have read just one book by her. Marlen Haushofer is another of my favourite writers and I have read just two books by her. I, of course, dream that one day I will read all the books written by all of my favourite writers, but that hasn't happened yet. Though my reading is broad and wide because of this, I have some big gaps in my reading experience. The biggest of this is Haruki Murakami. I love Haruki Murakami and have read excerpts from his books in anthologies, but I have never read any of his novels or short stories. The only book of his that I have read is 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Running', but that is non-fiction and so I am not counting it here. Friends have been recommending Murakami to me for years and some of them have been kind enough to gift me Murakami books. I have a whole row in my bookshelf filled with Murakami books, waiting to be read on a rainy day. When a few weeks back one of my friends gifted me this Murakami book, I decided that the waiting should be over and I should get started. I read 'Desire' today and finished it in one breath.

'Desire' has five short stories. They are not new stories, but have been taken from other Murakami collections and collected together here because of their common theme.

The first story 'The Second Bakery Attack' is about a newly married couple who get up in the middle of the night feeling very hungry. The husband describes a story from his past in which he and his friend tried robbing a bakery but the bakery owner was ready to give what they wanted if they listened to some classical music with him. What happens after that and what is the connection between that and the present form the rest of the story.

The second story 'On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning' is about what happens when one meets his / her soulmate in the street accidentally.

The third story 'Birthday Girl' is about a waitress who works in the restaurant in her twentieth birthday and then strange things that happen that day.

The fourth story 'Samsa in Love', turns the Gregor Samsa legend from Kafka's 'Metamorphosis' upside down and imagines what happens when someone or something gets up in the morning and discovers that he / she / it has been transformed into Gregor Samsa. It is a fascinating story.

The fifth and last story, 'A Folklore for My Generation : A Prehistory of Late-Stage Capitalism' is about a man who describes what happens to his high school sweetheart. It describes the atmosphere of the times, the 1960s, and Japanese culture and value system very well, and the ending of the story is poignant.

I loved all the stories in the book, but the last one was my favourite.

I am glad I finally read my first Murakami. Whoohoo! I can't wait to read my next one now!

I will leave you with some of my favourite passages from the book.

"When you listen to somebody's story and then try to reproduce it in writing, the tone's the main thing. Get the tone right and you have s true story on your hands. Maybe some of the facts aren't quite correct, but that doesn't matter – it actually might elevate the truth factor of the story. Turn this around, and you could say there are stories that are factually accurate yet aren't true at all. Those are the kind of stories you can count on being boring, and even, in some instances, dangerous. You can smell those ones a mile away."

"The older you get, the more boring travelling alone becomes. It's different when you are younger – whether you're alone or not, travelling can be a gas. But as you age – the fun factor declines. Only the first couple of days are enjoyable. After that, the scenery becomes annoying, and people's voices start to grate. There's no escape, for if you close your eyes to block these out, all kinds of unpleasant memories pop up. It gets to be too much trouble to eat in a restaurant, and you find yourself checking your watch over and over as you wait for buses that never seem to arrive. Trying to make yourself understood in a foreign language becomes a total pain."

Have you read 'Desire' by Haruki Murakami? What do you think about it?

Jan 30, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Note to self: "read more Murakami books".

This cute little book contains five short stories that circulate around "desire" in its many forms.
The stories are thought-provoking and induced me to read them all over again. :D

Story 1: "The second bakery attack"
That's an engaging karma story. My top quote is:
"Wrong choices can produce right results, and vice versa"

Story 2: "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning".
A story of choices and how they affect our future. At every moment,

Note to self: "read more Murakami books".

This cute little book contains five short stories that circulate around "desire" in its many forms.
The stories are thought-provoking and induced me to read them all over again. :D

Story 1: "The second bakery attack"
That's an engaging karma story. My top quote is:
"Wrong choices can produce right results, and vice versa"

Story 2: "On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning".
A story of choices and how they affect our future. At every moment, there are hundreds of possible paths you can take that will lead to very different outcomes. My favourite quote is:
"Was it really all right for one's dreams to come true so easily"

Story 3: "The birthday girl"
It's the story I liked the most, although if you ask me tomorrow, I might say something else.
I was extremely curious to understand what's that one wish, the birthday girl had.
What would you say if someone asks you to make one wish only?
Part of her answer:
"Of course I'd like to be prettier or smarter or rich. But I really can't imagine what would happen to me if any of those things came true. They might be more than I could handle. I still don't really know what life is all about. I don't know how it works."

Story 4: "Samsa in love"
This one is in my top 2. It's a truly original tribute to Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis".
"Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart"

Story 5: "A folklore for my generation: A prehistory of late-stage capitalism"
That one has a very strange name, no?
Murakami is a character in it. My most memorable quote is actually a writing tip:
"I distinctly recall the overall tone. When you listen to somebody's story and then try to reproduce it in writing, the tone's the main thing. Get the tone right and you have a true story on your hands. Maybe some of the facts aren't quite correct, but that doesn't matter- it actually might elevate the truth factor of the story. Turn this around, and you could say there're stories that are factually accurate yet aren't true at all. Those are the stories you can count on to be boring, and even, in some instances, dangerous. You can smell those a mile away."

Nov 16, 2018 rated it really liked it
It is a collection of just 5 stories. All fantastic. Coming from Murakami, I thought it was bound to be quirky and surrealistic - I am talking from my experience with his 'Kafka on the shore' which I couldn't wrap my head around. Story #1 was quirky but realistic and exactly mirrored our midnight hunger pangs as it set out to do. Story #2 was simplistic and feel-good kind. Liked it. Stories #3 and #4 were surrealistic and I kind of didn't get #3 totally. Story #5 was the best of the lot: philoso It is a collection of just 5 stories. All fantastic. Coming from Murakami, I thought it was bound to be quirky and surrealistic - I am talking from my experience with his 'Kafka on the shore' which I couldn't wrap my head around. Story #1 was quirky but realistic and exactly mirrored our midnight hunger pangs as it set out to do. Story #2 was simplistic and feel-good kind. Liked it. Stories #3 and #4 were surrealistic and I kind of didn't get #3 totally. Story #5 was the best of the lot: philosophical, realistic and thought provoking. This slim book kindled in me the interest to read more Murakami. Recommended. Rating: 4.5 stars. ...more
Aug 19, 2019 rated it it was ok
The real reason why I decided to re-read this short book it's because I didn't remember anything about it at all, something that seldom happens to me. I think it's because these short stories are rather bland - I mean, the literal definition of blandness - and that's why they didn't leave an impact on me. It seems that there's no hope for Murakami and I. We must part ways, at the present. The real reason why I decided to re-read this short book it's because I didn't remember anything about it at all, something that seldom happens to me. I think it's because these short stories are rather bland - I mean, the literal definition of blandness - and that's why they didn't leave an impact on me. It seems that there's no hope for Murakami and I. We must part ways, at the present. ...more
Jul 07, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Desire is a short story collection of his already published works. With five stories it's a beautiful little book to gift someone (or yourself) with. Murakami's stories are strange, surreal and sometimes sad but always a joy to read... Desire is a short story collection of his already published works. With five stories it's a beautiful little book to gift someone (or yourself) with. Murakami's stories are strange, surreal and sometimes sad but always a joy to read... ...more
Aug 14, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A beautiful collection of short stories. A detailed review in a while.
Dec 07, 2018 rated it it was amazing
These stories left me ravenous than I was before I started reading them.

A concoction of desire of hunger, lust, infatuation, these stories breathe life into your otherwise mundane life.

Let me first talk about my favourite out of the five, 'Samsa in Love', where a 30 year old man wakes up in an anamalous room to discover he had undergone a metamorphosis and become Gregor Samsa. He knew he had to put on some clothes on his naked body but did not know how to, he felt an erection seeing a woman twis

These stories left me ravenous than I was before I started reading them.

A concoction of desire of hunger, lust, infatuation, these stories breathe life into your otherwise mundane life.

Let me first talk about my favourite out of the five, 'Samsa in Love', where a 30 year old man wakes up in an anamalous room to discover he had undergone a metamorphosis and become Gregor Samsa. He knew he had to put on some clothes on his naked body but did not know how to, he felt an erection seeing a woman twist and turn to fix her brassiere but did not know what it meant (so in short Murakami tells the story of Samsa who has the mindfulness of a grown man yet is unaware of the system or patterns of the world). We have stories named 'The Second Bakery Attack' where this otherwise ordinary couple decide to attack a bakery to satisfy their hunger, 'On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning' which literally gave me anxiety about having somehow missed my potential soulmate when I was engrossed reading Murakami's stories, 'Birthday Girl' left me with a question which I still am yet to figure out the answer for (what my one wish would be if I could have it granted?), 'A folklore for my generation: A prehistory of Late Stage Capitalism' tells a very simple story of a wasted love giving us an insight into the 60's which according to Murakami was the age when 'thesis and reality hugged each other'.
With the same surrealism as in his other works, these stories leave the readers with so many unanswered questions. I literally looked up the internet for the wish the Birthday Girl had asked for because I was so sure there had to be an answer (and no there wasn't). Open ended stories don't bother me at all infact I find that they have a certain enigma to it which attaches me to Murakami's work. Written brilliantly, these stories are a must read if you love his work or if you want to fall in love with his work.

Александра Огнаноска
I cannot put into words how much I adore reading all of Murakami's books. After re-reading 'Norwegian Wood'; and 'Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage', to pick up excerpts of his short stories, and therefore; temporarily enrich my library with a new bookish friend is the best experience I could ever wish for. I'm pretty sure that my heart is always going to be an ardent bibliophile of his bookish treasures. From 'The Bakery Attack'; 'Samsa in Love'; to miraculous soul mates whos I cannot put into words how much I adore reading all of Murakami's books. After re-reading 'Norwegian Wood'; and 'Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage', to pick up excerpts of his short stories, and therefore; temporarily enrich my library with a new bookish friend is the best experience I could ever wish for. I'm pretty sure that my heart is always going to be an ardent bibliophile of his bookish treasures. From 'The Bakery Attack'; 'Samsa in Love'; to miraculous soul mates whose fates and destinies bring them together. Incredibly beautiful stories which had found their placement in my heart. ...more
Acordul Fin
Everything is blowing up around us, but there are still those who care about a broken lock and others who are dutiful enough to try to fix it … But maybe that's the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.
This was actually quite enjoyable. Murakami's writing style is the star, even when I was not that interested in the theme of some of the stories, his writing style still pulled me in
Everything is blowing up around us, but there are still those who care about a broken lock and others who are dutiful enough to try to fix it … But maybe that's the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.
This was actually quite enjoyable. Murakami's writing style is the star, even when I was not that interested in the theme of some of the stories, his writing style still pulled me in. I should check out one of his novels.
Wai Yan Tun
Oct 28, 2020 rated it really liked it
"No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That's all."

This short volume was brought to us via the form of the Vintage Mini series, in which the infamous publisher sought out the world's greatest literary talents, to compile and publish a couple of short stories on the experiences that makes us human. Murakami's theme is desire. As a fan, it couldn't have been a more perfect theme for my favorite novelist of all time. Desire is a sensat

"No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That's all."

This short volume was brought to us via the form of the Vintage Mini series, in which the infamous publisher sought out the world's greatest literary talents, to compile and publish a couple of short stories on the experiences that makes us human. Murakami's theme is desire. As a fan, it couldn't have been a more perfect theme for my favorite novelist of all time. Desire is a sensation that is nuanced and complex, and for a person to understand and articulate it to it's audience takes a special kind of prose and style. This sensation has been eloquently conveyed with 5 short stories, each varying in length and punch.

The first short story, is about a newlywed couple, who is find trouble adjusting to their new life, and their insatiable, insuppressible hunger. Their ravenousness paired with lack of satisfactory food items in their fridge, leads to the man recalling a holdup on a bakery, he once carried out in his youth with his friend, how the whole thing ended in failure. One things lead to the other, and their conversation ends with the couple heading out to rob a bakery at 2 in the middle of the night, this time fruitfully and successfully. The tale was bizarre to say the least, as with all of Murakami's tales. The metaphors he used to describe hunger were a thing of novelty in my case. As much as I enjoyed how queer the whole thing was - I like weird - compared to the other stories in the book, the impact it has on me was meagre, which is to say I have to hand to the editors for saving some of the best stories for last. (Who would've thought to connect one's hunger with a dormant volcano underwater!)

There's not much to say about the second story. I loved it. Short, sweet and smooth. Just like a glass of exquisite Port wine. In 7 pages, the man managed to convey the sensation of the lost of potentiality and possibility to me. (I am indeed gushing for him.) Truly a magician.

Birthday Girl has to be my favorite short story in this collection. After retrospect, I realized that personal relativity, has a lot to do with it. The birthday girl and I share a lot of similarities in circumstance. Namely we both spent our birthdays working in a restaurant and we both were broken up from our significant other at the time. It made me think about what kind of wish I would've made if I were in the birthday girl's shoes. A phenomenal thought provoking piece on wishes and the human yearning for more. I encourage you to experience it at a time of leisure on your own. Preferable environmental conditions, would be a dark room, illuminated by a dim reading lamp, with a glass of Port wine to top it off.

Samsa in Love, features Gregor Samsa from Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis reimagined in Murakami's terms and conditions. With barely any memory of his past, we as readers follow Samsa on journey on rediscovering his humanity. I have yet to read The Metamorphosis so I cannot consummate a thorough and satisfactory review on this short story if I tried. However with the limited scope of insight I have I did enjoy the tale and from start to finish I was rooting for the guy. His childlike innocence and inspiring rediscovery of the human senses won me over. Great short story.

I debated with myself over which story gets first place and although I gave the crown to Birthday Girl out of relativity to circumstance, in terms of story-telling even Birthday Girl would have to step down from the podium for this last short story. Difference of values, of way of life, of perspective is explored to perfection in this novel. The emotions that the couple felt resonates with all humans on this planet. I urge you to just give this story a try if you have a free 30 mins. It will sink your heart.

As a whole the book is a solid 4 out of 5. I would've given it a 5 out of 5 if not for the inconsistent quality of one story to another. This is my first exposure to Murakami's short stories and it was a satisfyingly smooth yet inexplicably sad experience. Classic Murakami.

Jun 04, 2019 rated it really liked it
** Books 55 - 2019 **

This books to accomplish Tsundoku Books Challenge 2019

3,6 of 5 stars!

Wow I just loved how the short stories written by Haruki Murakami is. In this books includes five short stories such as The Second bakery attack (it is taken from The Elephant Vanishes), on seeing the the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April one (it is also from The Elephant Vanishes), Birthday girl (it is taken from Birthday Girl), Samsa in Love (it is taken from Men Without Women), and the last is a fol

** Books 55 - 2019 **

This books to accomplish Tsundoku Books Challenge 2019

3,6 of 5 stars!

Wow I just loved how the short stories written by Haruki Murakami is. In this books includes five short stories such as The Second bakery attack (it is taken from The Elephant Vanishes), on seeing the the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April one (it is also from The Elephant Vanishes), Birthday girl (it is taken from Birthday Girl), Samsa in Love (it is taken from Men Without Women), and the last is a folklore for my generation: a prehistoric of late-stage capitalism. I just realize that i love 3 of 5 stories of it. Especially Birthday girl and a folklore since it kinda unique for me

Like the title is Haruki Murakami written about Desire that humans have. There are aspects such as hungers, love and also sex that every human have it. hahah you should read it since it is quite light and refreshing for me

If you fans of The Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka you should read Samsa in Love from this books. You can be amused the different perspectives from Haruki Murakami. it is quite fun reading! I just loved it!

Thankyou Periplus Setiabudhi, Bandung!

May 30, 2020 rated it liked it
3.5 ⭐
The stories in the book:
1. The second bakery attack.
2. On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful morning.
3. Birthday girl.
4. Samsa in love.
5. A folklore for my generation: a prehistory of late-stage capitalist.
I utterly enjoyed the last story from all the five short stories mentioned in the book. The 3rd was pretty surreal and left unsolved (well, I should've well expected it from a Murakami book).
The 5th story was basically based on Murakami's own life's story, where he talks abou
3.5 ⭐
The stories in the book:
1. The second bakery attack.
2. On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful morning.
3. Birthday girl.
4. Samsa in love.
5. A folklore for my generation: a prehistory of late-stage capitalist.
I utterly enjoyed the last story from all the five short stories mentioned in the book. The 3rd was pretty surreal and left unsolved (well, I should've well expected it from a Murakami book).
The 5th story was basically based on Murakami's own life's story, where he talks about one of his friends and his love story during their college period. I seriously enjoyed the 5th one much more than the rest. I wish, the rest would've been as good as the last one. 🤗
Ben Rogers
Jun 15, 2021 rated it liked it  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Desire
Great collection!

Story 1:
Strange story of grand theft hunger.

Story 2:
Another story all based on looks.

Story 3:
Reminded me a bit of Of Mice and Men
It was ok

Story 4:
I already reviewed this one

Fairly middle-of-the-road Murakami book.


Great collection!

Story 1:
Strange story of grand theft hunger.

Story 2:
Another story all based on looks.

Story 3:
Reminded me a bit of Of Mice and Men
It was ok

Story 4:
I already reviewed this one

Fairly middle-of-the-road Murakami book.


José Luis
Mar 05, 2018 rated it really liked it
"I was positive that once we were one, my wall would come crumbling down, and I'd discover who I was, the self I'd only have vague glimpses of." "I was positive that once we were one, my wall would come crumbling down, and I'd discover who I was, the self I'd only have vague glimpses of." ...more
Ева Нешкоска
I must say it's quite different from his other works.
"The Second Bakery Attack" was the least interesting, at times boring. The second story was my favorite. I love when coincidence and fate do their thing. "The cold, indifferent waves of fate proceeded to toss them unmercifully."
Lastly, who gave him the right to use Gregor Samsa in his story... You can't just use that name, he belongs to Franz. (My love for Kafka can't be compared to any other author). He really lost me there.
I must say it's quite different from his other works.
"The Second Bakery Attack" was the least interesting, at times boring. The second story was my favorite. I love when coincidence and fate do their thing. "The cold, indifferent waves of fate proceeded to toss them unmercifully."
Lastly, who gave him the right to use Gregor Samsa in his story... You can't just use that name, he belongs to Franz. (My love for Kafka can't be compared to any other author). He really lost me there.
Nov 29, 2019 rated it it was amazing
"if u think of someone enough, you are sure to meet them again"

every short stories gave me a chance to live again in memories. every stories made me think of what i truly desire, found what i had desired and what im gonna desire for. still Uncle Mi, still made me held by words 💗

"if u think of someone enough, you are sure to meet them again"

every short stories gave me a chance to live again in memories. every stories made me think of what i truly desire, found what i had desired and what im gonna desire for. still Uncle Mi, still made me held by words 💗

Murakami Haruki (Japanese: 村上 春樹) is a popular contemporary Japanese writer and translator. His work has been described as 'easily accessible, yet profoundly complex'. He can be located on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/harukimuraka...

Since childhood, Murakami has been heavily influenced by Western culture, particularly Western music and literature. He grew up reading a range of works by Am

Murakami Haruki (Japanese: 村上 春樹) is a popular contemporary Japanese writer and translator. His work has been described as 'easily accessible, yet profoundly complex'. He can be located on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/harukimuraka...

Since childhood, Murakami has been heavily influenced by Western culture, particularly Western music and literature. He grew up reading a range of works by American writers, such as Kurt Vonnegut and Richard Brautigan, and he is often distinguished from other Japanese writers by his Western influences.

Murakami studied drama at Waseda University in Tokyo, where he met his wife, Yoko. His first job was at a record store, which is where one of his main characters, Toru Watanabe in Norwegian Wood, works. Shortly before finishing his studies, Murakami opened the coffeehouse 'Peter Cat' which was a jazz bar in the evening in Kokubunji, Tokyo with his wife.

Many of his novels have themes and titles that invoke classical music, such as the three books making up The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: The Thieving Magpie (after Rossini's opera), Bird as Prophet (after a piano piece by Robert Schumann usually known in English as The Prophet Bird), and The Bird-Catcher (a character in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute). Some of his novels take their titles from songs: Dance, Dance, Dance (after The Dells' song, although it is widely thought it was titled after the Beach Boys tune), Norwegian Wood (after The Beatles' song) and South of the Border, West of the Sun (the first part being the title of a song by Nat King Cole).


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